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vol.11 número39Programa de interpretación ambiental en la Universidad Simón Bolívar: Sus recursos, su cultura y su historiaPsicología en educación: Una visión contemporánea índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


BONDARENKO PISEMSKAYA, Natalia. Regarding the definitions of education quality. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.613-621. ISSN 1316-4910.

The concept of education quality has been saturated with a diversity of meanings; the following study pretends to ofer an alternative way to elucidate its essence, presenting it as a philosophical category and describing its main theoretical characteristics. After a brief historical summary, we go through the definitions that have been generated from this concept in the educational and business fields. It is argumented that these definitions, despite their invaluable contribution, focus on the pragmatical part of the concept and avoid focusing it as a theoretical category. After, the main theoretical features of the education quality category are presented. It is concluded that despite the complexity of the concept, the best way to understand it is by a combined study that would consider both its philosophical and pragmatic aspects.

Palabras clave : quality; education; philosophical category; theoretical characteristics.

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