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vol.11 número39Psicología en educación: Una visión contemporáneaIntegración de actividades lúdicas en la atención educativa del niño hospitalizado índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


GARCIA DE BERRIOS, Omaira. Neoliberalism: Liberties from the individuals to negotiate vs. ALBA: Liberties from the state to integrate. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.629-637. ISSN 1316-4910.

In Venezuela there coexist argument defending the presence of State in the country’s basic economical activities, and contradictory, reasons to overestimate a “liberties ’” regime can be found that demand its absence or its negotiation in this economical context, as basis of the capitalist model. The paradox consists on saying that the reasons for negotiation are the same that could be used to rescue and redirect the presence of the State. From the revision of the terms from “economical liberalism ” freedom is shown as one of the main theoretical -practical referents that has generated the contradiction and deviation of the capitalist society’s natural order, detecting the abuse of this term in expressions such as “society free of any State intervention ”. In this study, critical reflections to the concept of “neoliberalism ” are promoted, according to which there should exist “participation” (not intervention) by the part of the State, to promote upholding capitalism. Making it convenient for the State to uphold the required “consumer society” and the permanence of conditions in which capitalists have the most reproduction of their capitals, as basis for this system. The ALCA is shown as one of the ways of extending the capitalist logic by which even educational technical-academical expectations have been perverted; nonetheless, some good signs have been introduced by ALBA, such as the “Americas awakening” to make the dream of harmonic development of nations come true.

Palabras clave : neoliberalism; freedom; State intervention; ALCA; ALBA.

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