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vol.11 número39Efectos de talleres de madurez vocacional para estudiantes del primer año del ciclo diversificado.Entre la fascinación tecnológica y el sentido común: La informática en las escuelas índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


RODRIGUEZ, Nacarid. Teaching practice and improvement of school. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.699-708. ISSN 1316-4910.

Higher teaching educational institutions in countries with evident weaknesses in their official school system functioning require finding ways to increase their contributions to the improvement of education quality in the basic levels. Teaching practice make up a special opportunity for these aims, widening its conception and development beyond preparation and dictating classes at school. We systematize a linking experience of the component of practices to an improvement Project so students, teachers educators and teachers work together to develop innovative actions to be subject of practical judgments. The experience was carried out during 2 school years in an official school located in low-income neighborhood in the capital city. It is concluded that this modality allows developing integrated teaching actions, research and extension; it collaborates in diminishing the gap between the academics and practicants; theory and reality and researchers and teachers. However, it constitutes a complex process; it takes preparation, coordination and culture changes in university educators.

Palabras clave : educational practices; school improvement; teacher's education.

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