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vol.11 número39Prácticas docentes y mejora de la escuela.El cine-foro en la enseñanza de la psicoterapia psicodinámica: La película Amelié como estudio de caso* índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-4910


GASTON, Julian Gil. Technological fascination and common sense: Computing in schools. Educere [online]. 2007, vol.11, n.39, pp.709-715. ISSN 1316-4910.

From the problematic of the “productivity paradox” we analyze the attempt of an educational institution of implementing a computing software to “improve the quality of the educational service ”, that was redundant in an emphatic failure in its implementation and in an unnecessary expense by the institution. It is an ethnographical case that allows noticing some of the logics that rule technological innovations that, in many cases, come to ofer solutions to nonexistent problems. The “technological fascination” for the new computing tools led to try out new software that was sabotaged by those who should use it. The overload of work that it implied for teachers when assigning new homework and the reconfiguration of their identities inside the institution provoked that technological invoking never came to be realized.

Palabras clave : new technologies; identities; modernizing projects.

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