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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


ANGULO, Nerkis et al. Lifestyle of a group of obese children located in Valencia. Salus [online]. 2014, vol.18, n.1, pp.25-31. ISSN 1316-7138.

Overview obesity is developing an environmental component linked to sedentary lifestyle and dietary habits that favour the deposit of fat mass. The objective of the research was to describe the lifestyle of a group of obese children located of Valencia. Was a descriptive-comparative study with a group control under a non-experimental design, transactional, 160 prepubertal children (88 obese and eutrophic 72) who came to the ambulatory Council, of the University of Carabobo and gastroenterology and Pediatric Hospital city nutrition service "Dr. Enrique Tejera" of Valencia, between January to November 2011. Socio-demographic data were evaluated with anthropometry through the index of body mass, personal and family history, behaviors and habits of food, diet and physical activity. Frequency distribution boxes with absolute values and percentages and required parametric and non-parametric tests, were used for statistical analysis. It was found that the eutrophic received more exclusive and less artificial breastfeeding (p<0,05). The family history of obesity was most common in the obese (p<0,05). Obese had a speed to eat faster and more preferred food scrap to the eutrophic (p<0,05). It was observed higher average consumption of calories and fat as well as more sedentary in the obese (p<0,05). Lower consumption of breastfeeding, the family history of obesity, some behaviors and eating habits, the diet who consumed and less physical activity identified an unhealthy lifestyle in these obese children.

Palabras clave : Lifestyle; Children; Obesity.

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