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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


LO PRESTI, Ana et al. Potential  drug  interactions  in  patients  with  cardiovascular disease and polypharmacy. Salus [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.2, pp.11-17. ISSN 1316-7138.

Cardiovascular  disease  is  the  leading  cause  of  morbidity  in  the adult  Venezuelan  population,  leading  to  a  significant  number  of  hospitalized  patients  receiving  combination  therapy,  which  may cause drug interactions (IF). The aim of this study was to evaluate potential IF polypharmacy in patients with cardiovascular disease. This  was  an  observational,  descriptive  cross-sectional  study; medical records of 87 hospitalized patients were reviewed with a stage  of  three  days  or  more.  The  data  collection  form  recorded: history number, age, gender, admission and discharge dates, type of  cardiovascular  disease;  administered  drugs,  treatment  start and completion dates. Identification of potential IF was performed using the TOX MED program. Results showed an average age of  63.82; predominantly males and potential association between IF nd prescription of more than seven drugs (p = 0.002). The most frequent diseases were acute coronary syndrome and hypertension; antithrombotic agents were the most commonly prescribed drugs. 519 IF potential were identified; pharmacokinetic 51 (30.32%) and pharmacodynamic  347  (69.68%),  the  most  frequent  ones  being metabolism  (84.79%)  and  synergism  (75.79%),  respectively.  The highest percentage of potential pharmacokinetic IF was associated with  atorvastatin    -  clopidogrel  (22.52%),  and  pharmacodynamic with aspirin - heparin (15.71%). It is concluded that the number of  pharmacokinetic  or  pharmacodynamic  IF  potential  increases  with the number of drugs that patients take..Key words: Potential drug interactions, drug-drug, cardiovascular patients, polypharmacy.

Palabras clave : Potential drug interactions; drug-drug; cardiovascular patients; polypharmacy.

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