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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


VELASQUEZ, Emma; PAEZ, María C  y  ACOSTA, Edgar. Waist  circumference,  lipid  profile  and  cardiovascular  risk  in adolescents. Salus [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.2, pp.31-36. ISSN 1316-7138.

Abdominal  obesity  and  dyslipidemias  have  been  considered cardiovascular  risk  factors.  This  descriptive  and  cross-sectional study  was  undertaken  to  assess  the  relationship  between  waist circumference (WC) and lipid profile, and Cardiovascular risk factors in 414 adolescents (ages 12 to16.9 years). Height, weight and WC were measured and body mass index was (BMI) estimated. Plasma levels  for  triglycerides,  total  cholesterol  (TC)  and  high-density lipoprotein  cholesterol  (HDL-C)  were  determined.  Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) and non-HDL-C and atherogenic risk index were assessed. Mann-Whitney, Odds Ratio and Chi-square test were calculated and significance level p<0.05 was considered. 18.1% and 7% presented overweight and obesity, respectively and 38.9% had WC equal or greater than the 90th percentile (WC≥p90). Significant higher levels (p<0.05) for weight, IMC, TC, TG, non-HDL, TC/HDL-C index and TG/HDL-C Index were found in adolescents with  WC≥p90.  Males  had  higher  mean  values  for  weight,  height, BMI and WC than females (p<0.05). Females had higher TC, HDL-C and LDL-C concentrations than males (p<0.05). Adolescents with WC≥p90 are more likely to have a higher atherogenic risk index than those with WC<p90. These findings highlight the potential uses of waist measurement, using common anthropometric parameters of abdominal adiposity for identifying adolescents at ECV risk.

Palabras clave : Waist  circumference; dyslipidemias; adolescents; atherogenic index.

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