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vol.19 número2Circunferencia de cintura, perfil de lípidos y riesgo cardiovascular en adolescentesContaminantes químicos en agua y aire en Venezuela (2006-2013) índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


DIAZ S, Mardorys et al. Fetal hydrothorax primary: handling antenatal. Salus [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.2, pp.37-43. ISSN 1316-7138.

Fetal hydrothorax (FH) is the presence of fluid in the pleural cavity of the chest. It may be isolated or associated with fetal hydrops and ascites. The  incidence  1:  15,000  pregnancies  If  it  is  isolated,  the most common cause is congenital chylothorax primary abnormality of  the  lymphatic  system.  In  Newborn  (RN)  is  common  in  males, usually  bilateral  primary  and  sex.  In  the  fetus  is  secondary  with prevalence 1: 1500 live births caused by isoimmunization, infections, heart  disease,  chromosomal  abnormalities,  malformations  of placenta  and  umbilical  cord. The  average  age  of  diagnosis  is  27 weeks,  ultrasonographically  recognized  as  an  anechoic  area around  the  lungs.  His  prognosis  mainly  depends  on  the  cause and secondarily of its size, laterality and presence of hydrops. The mortality is estimated at 25%, varying from 15% when it is isolated and 95% associated with hydrops. Most worsen bilateral becoming pregnancy can generate esophageal compression in primary fetal Hydrothorax  (HFP)  associated  with  polyhydramnios  72%.  HFP case is reported, a patient of 20 years with 25 weeks of gestation, whose  ultrasonographic  finding  documents  right  pleural  effusion, intrauterine thoracentesis is done, obtaining 25cc yellowish liquid, then no decrease in the pleural effusion. It was obtained segmental elective  Caesarean  at  37  weeks  +  6  days;  Female  RN  in  stable conditions did not require intubation or artificial ventilatory support. Intrauterine  evacuation  intrathoracic  pressure  relieved,  allowing a  satisfactory  expansion  of  both  lungs  and  respiratory  distress avoiding RN.

Palabras clave : Primary fetal hydrops; thoracentesis; pleural effusion; fetal ascitis.

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