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versión impresa ISSN 1316-7138


ROJAS, Maritza  y  ESPINOSA, Carlos. Review on scientific studies about chemical contaminants in water and air in Venezuela (2006-2013) . Salus [online]. 2015, vol.19, n.2, pp.44-52. ISSN 1316-7138.

The  purpose  of  the  study  was  to  document  studies  in  Venezuela about chemical pollutants in air and water (2006 to 2013) through a systematic review. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional documental review.  Databases  of  the  major  universities  in  the  country, government institutions and Non-Governmental Organizations were reviewed.  From  the  twenty-seven  articles  selected,  eight  (29.6%) investigated air pollution, 12 (44.4%) water pollution and 7 (25.9%), studied environmental media. 90.9% of the research was conducted in the North area of the country. Main objects of the study were water quality  (20.5%),  metals/minerals  and  environmental  phenomena including climate change (17.9% each) and overall contamination (12.8%). The limited access to public environmental information, few environmental awareness campaigns and the lack of citizenship, put investigations in this area in a secondary level. Researchers must be  stimulated  with  increased  funding  to  study  the  environmental problems in the country, so that their results contribute to fostering “environmental  education”  at  all  levels  and  compliance  with  the existing legal framework. It is concluded that research on chemical contaminants in environmental media in Venezuela is scarce. The environmental situation in the country requires further research in the  most  affected  areas,  including  the  South  area  of  the  country where many polluting basic industries are located.

Palabras clave : Contamination; chemical agents; research; Venezuela.

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