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versão impressa ISSN 1316-7138


VARELA JIMENEZ, Isabel  e  GUTIERREZ ARIAS, Ernesto. Traumatic arteriovenous fistula. Salus [online]. 2017, vol.21, n.1, pp.26-29. ISSN 1316-7138.

A traumatic arteriovenous fistula (AF) is characterized by a faulty communication between an artery and a vein. In general, causes of AF include traumatic piercing, cardiac chatheterization, a congenital or genetic condition and surgical procedures. This study deals with AF caused by posttraumatic injuries that pierce the skin on the legs. In this pathology the blood flows from an artery into a vein. When this occurs, the vein blood pressure as well as the blood return to the heart increase which, in turn, affect local blood circulation. The initial diagnosis consists of a physical examination with a stethoscope. Other tests to confirm the occurrence of an arteriovenous fistula are Duplex ultrasound (Doppler), computerized tomography angiogram, magnetic resonance angiography and selective arteriography. If the AF requires treatment, the recommended procedures are ultrasonic guided compression, catheter embolization or surgery. Surgery is intended to eliminate the blood flow through the fistula and to repair or eliminate the injured artery segment. Open or endovascular surgery may be performed, depending on the clinical history.

Palavras-chave : Arteriovenous fistula; posttraumatic fistula; traumatic piercing.

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