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GUILLEN-DRIJA, Christian  and  LOSAVIO, Francisca. MUDA: unified architectural design method. SAPIENS [online]. 2009, vol.10, n.2, pp.195-226. ISSN 1317-5815.

The general consensus about the importance ofthe architectural design in constructing software systems that suitably meet initial requirements proves the need for methods to guide software architects during the initial phase ofthe development process. There are several proposals ofarchitectural methods, though it is essential to keep researching on the topic. We introduce MUDA (Método Unificado de Diseño Arquitectónico) which is an integrated method designed with the aim of using the optimum practices within the scope ofthe architectural perspective. The application ofMUDA to a case ofstudy in the area ofthe Tutorial Intelligent Systems (TISs) has shown the gradual construction ofthe system architecture through the derivation ofarchitectural elements defined from functional and nonfunctional requirements.

Keywords : Software Architecture; architectural design methods; software quality.

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