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Print version ISSN 1317-5815


ACOSTA, Betzabeth; VASQUEZ, Estefanía  and  PINTO, José. Formación universitaria: una caracterización de aprendizaje de cultura organizacional a partir de una gestión de cambio . SAPIENS [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.1, pp.33-50. ISSN 1317-5815.

The objective of this study consists in characterize of the organizational culture learning from a change management. First, that implies formation of human talent based on the development of critical thinking and humanistic perspective; second, strengthen the knowledge of society, in which the information flows during the process of permanent formation and through a training process according to the requirements of the country in all universities, especially in UPEL. In turn it fuels competence and creativity in the construction of a human talent for the solution of pedagogic problems. It is based on the frequently research of answers through a change of the extension policies, investigation and teaching to turn UPEL in an intelligent organization. The purpose is that teachers, in accordance with their multiculturalism, promotes an proactive organizational culture related to the processes of decicion making, leadership, motivation, communication and resolution of conflicts. From the perspective of teacher`s emancipation as a human , under the premise of care of the nearby and distant and last of a morality of to be for to do.

Keywords : University Education; Organizational Learning; Change Management; Organizational Culture.

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