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BARRIOS, Berta Elena. Three Critical Moments of Classic Grounded Theory. SAPIENS [online]. 2015, vol.16, n.1, pp.31-47. ISSN 1317-5815.

Classic Grounded Theory (Glaser and Strauss, 1967; Glaser, 1992) has as purpose to produce theory from data collected in a research process. In the academy context is common finding some tensions in its application. The following essay has an objective that is to explain some critical moments when the classic grounded theory is used to guide the investigators that are beginning in the process of the knowledge and practice this methodology. The critical moments are 1) the research beginning: problem definition and literature revision 2) the concurrent implementation of data collecting and analysis and 3) tanking decision in the theory sampling. As conclusion, it is necessary to remark the importance of comprehend this methodology before to start a research process, and the importance and having quite clear the differences between Classic Grounded Theory and other methodologies.

Keywords : Classic Grounded Theory; Academy Context; Data Collecting; Data Analysis; Theory Sampling.

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