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LOSAVIO, Francisca  and  ESTEVES, Yuly. Business Model to Analyze the Educational Software Domain: a Standpoint Focused in the Quality of the Product. SAPIENS [online]. 2015, vol.16, n.1, pp.49-76. ISSN 1317-5815.

In the educational software design (ES), relevant aspects such as technology and pedagogy should be reconciled to domain. The application of inherent principles to software engineering in the development process will ensure to obtain an ES with quality according to ISO/IEC25010. This research of theoretical development includes a business model which collect domain needs, as initial step to the extended process of Chung, de Losavio, Matteo and Pacilli (2014). The propose is that the entry of domain analysis stage incorporate business rules, policies and restrictions of the business taking in to account pedagogical elements considered by the developer. As result, we have types of ES categorization that include its architecture and the quality model adapted to the ES domain, and it could be used as a reference of architecture to the domain.

Keywords : Business Model; Domain Analysis; Educational Software; Software Quality; Extended Process of Chung.

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