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vol.6 número2Hormonas en la mama: De la fisiología a la enfermedad índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Venezolana de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3110


MERINO, Gisela  y  VELASQUEZ, Maria Esperanza. Seguimiento de los efectos tardios endocrinológicos en sobrevivientes de cáncer infantil. Rev. Venez. Endocrinol. Metab. [online]. 2008, vol.6, n.2, pp.3-8. ISSN 1690-3110.

Childhood cancer survivors can manifest late endocrine effects after completion of cancer therapy. In order to make an early identification of long-term endocrine sequelae, we present a practical guideline for the follow-up and assessment of the risk factors and potential late complications that will develop in relation to the therapeutic agent used and its dose. Growth impairment due to brain irradiation and/or surgery, pubertal disorders and infertility caused by chemotherapy, and osteopenia, are some of the most prevalent endocrinopathies. Early hormonal treatment can lead to enhance growth rate, available stamina and improve quality of life of the patient with cancer in remission.

Palabras clave : Late effects; cancer survivors; endocrine disorders; cancer.

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