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Revista Venezolana de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3110


GONZALEZ DE MIRENA, Emy et al. Stress, overload and pro-inflammatory (IL1) and anti-inflammatory (IL4) interleukins in care providers of oncological patients. Rev. Venez. Endocrinol. Metab. [online]. 2015, vol.13, n.2, pp.78-85. ISSN 1690-3110.

Objective: Relate the levels of stress and overload with concentrations of pro-inflammatory (IL1) and anti-inflammatory (IL4) interleukins in caretakers of patients with cancer. Method: The study was observational, analytical and cross-sectional. Eighty caretakers of cancer patients were analyzed with ages between 30 and 55 years. The 86.25% were female and 13.75% male, who agreed verbally and written participate in the research. For analysis of overload, Zarit Scale was used and the stress was measured using the questionnaire Stress Reactivity Index. Interleukins concentration was determined by using double antibody immunometric assay. Results: The 88.75% had overload and 83.75 had stress. A moderate significant correlation between IL-1 and emotional, total and somatic stress (Rho 0.371 p=0.023; Rho 0.371 p=0.026 y rho 0.404 p=0.015, respectively) was observed. Significant difference was evidenced and a high correlation between overload and all indicators of stress, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, somatic and total (Rho 0.626 p=0.000; Rho 0.704 p=0.000; Rho 0.462 p=0.003; Rho 0.665 p=0.000 and Rho 0.660 p=0.000 respectively). Conclusion: In the majority of caretakers, an overload and severe stress was observed, a situation that was associated with alteration of their immune system, making this group of persons susceptible to suffer any disease.

Palabras clave : Stress; overloads; Interleuquinas; Caretakers.

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