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Revista Venezolana de Endocrinología y Metabolismo

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3110


VELEZ, Gabriela; FUNG, Liliana; GARCIA, Franklin  y  CAMPOS, María. Congenital adrenal hyperplasia and myelolipoma: a case report. Rev. Venez. Endocrinol. Metab. [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.2, pp.144-149. ISSN 1690-3110.

Objective: To describe the case of patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) and bilateral myelolipoma at presentation, due to its low incidence in the population. Clinical case: Thirty-two year old female patient, with a diagnosis of classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia with salt-wasting adrenal, on regular treatment with glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids until 14 years of age. On February 2012, she presents progressive increase of abdominal circumference, 2 months later stabbing pain in both flanks, from mild to moderate intensity, with no irradiation, reasons for medical consultation. Lab test: ACTH: 102 pg/ml (until 37); 17OH progesterone: 20.47 mg/ml (0.2-2.9); free testosterone: 7.6 pg/ml (0.01-7.01); androstenedione: 26.1 ng/ml (0.94-3.2); DHEA-SO4: 53.7 μg/dl (65-368). An abdominal CT-Scan is preformed and a space-occupying lesion on both adrenal glands is observed. Right: 16.4x14.2x12.2 cm, left:20x13x11.2 cm, both have heterogeneous density, suggestive of myelolipoma. A midline xyphopubic laparotomy is performed on the patient in January 2013, with bilateral adrenalectomy, with the left tumor of 1400g and the right one of 1200g. The biopsy reported bilateral myelolipomas. Conclusion: CAH and myelolipomas are both very infrequent pathologies that may appear together in patients with classic CAH diagnosis associated to irregular or complete abandonment of treatment. Myelolipomas represent approximately 11% of adrenal tumors. Their incidence varies between 0.08% and 0.4%, with median age presentation at 50 years. Male sex is predominant (2:1). Most are unilateral, solitary and small. Due to myelolipomas low incidence, its form of presentation in this patient and its association with CAH, this case is being reviewed.

Palabras clave : classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia; myelolipoma.

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