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vol.14 número2Focos de atención en la prevención del cáncer de mama en VenezuelaLenguaje no sexista: Una apuesta por la visibilizacion de las mujeres índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Comunidad y Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3293


SEGURA VERA, Marymili  y  STRANIERI, Mirna. Training of health personnel for addressing gender violence in Venezuela. Comunidad y Salud [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.2, pp.78-85. ISSN 1690-3293.

The struggle against violence and gender discrimination comes from a very long time ago. Many have b een the achievements; nevertheless, even today, the validity of this problem has still alarming prevalence worldwide. By the nuances that characterize this type of violence: not always the neighbor, relative or friend is aware of what is happening; however, in many cases, the victims are in the need to go to health centers; and, if the professionals that serve them have proper preparation to identify and deal such aggression, the chances of preventing the recurrence of the same kind would increase. For this reason, the interest of knowing about the training that health professionals have in detecting and addressing cases of gender violence at the centers of primary health care of Venezuela arises. To development of this essay was conducted by a documentary research, and the technique used was document analysis. It is concluded that those who must verify that established procedures a re met and the real connotation of global public health problem to violence against women be given are the own citizens; NGOs can be part of changes through social audit that is so lacking in the health sector. And also, making a call to university teachers to help promoting the inclusion of this issue into different professorships related to public health and social development.

Palabras clave : Gender violence; personal health; violence against woman.

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