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Comunidad y Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3293


GONZALEZ M, María Cristina  y  DELGADO DE SMITH, Yamile. Non- sexist language: A commitment to visibility of women. Comunidad y Salud [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.2, pp.86-95. ISSN 1690-3293.

The essay is around an issue that has generated controversy, demonstrating once more sexist attitudes. There are many criticisms which try to disqualify the need of being named. We remember that of what is not named does not exist, a reason to be committed on the visibility of women through a non -sexist language. The trial opens with a series of reflections on linguistic sexism, differentiating three levels: lexicon level, which refers to the meaning of words through their use. The morphological level related to marks which are grammatical gender distinctions in each word. Finally, the syntactic level, which is the use of plural or singular form regardless sex gender. In the morphological level, there is an obvious absence of female forms, primarily in documents. There is a great confusion between sex and grammatical gender. Sex is a biological trait; the grammatical gender is a trait inherent to certain types of words that are used to classify nouns in masculine and feminine genders; and in case of adjectives, to establish their consistency. The task of community speakers is to adapt linguistic applications to reality which requires equal treatment between men and women. Addressing sexist language, it is necessary to break with a series of stereotypes, correcting the focus of discourse, naming correctly, using non-discriminatory images. Finally, some ideas to address the linguistic sexism are given.

Palabras clave : Sexism; gender; language; visibilizatión.

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