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vol.14 número2Lenguaje no sexista: Una apuesta por la visibilizacion de las mujeresEducación en ciencias de la salud, aproximación desde una nueva mirada de la Salud Pública índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Comunidad y Salud

versión impresa ISSN 1690-3293


ORTUNIO C, Magaly S  y  GUEVARA R, Harold. Theoretical approach to the resilience construct. Comunidad y Salud [online]. 2016, vol.14, n.2, pp.96-105. ISSN 1690-3293.

This essay aims to carry out a theoretical approach to the resilience construct through some reflections. Every day humans get on in various levels, achieving various roles and facing constant challenges of all kinds. The period lived as a student during the individual life cycle does not constitute an exception to these facts; and, it requires the appropriate use of all competences which he has. However, the occasions in which the student reflects that it does not have the necessary tools to have a triumphant result cannot be ruled out or be weakened, taking into account that the conditions for the achievement of goals are not always the best, and there are various obstacles that go beyond the individual, either personally or interpersonal, coupled with the system and own current context in which this develops; and, it must be survived by the Venezuelan citizen. That is why, the ability of people to develop psychologically well, despite of living in contexts of risk, refers both to individuals as to groups that are able to minimize and overcome the damaging effects of adversities and disadvantaged contexts.

Palabras clave : Resilience; coping mechanisms; mental health.

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