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vol.54 número2Células inflamatorias en la secreción nasal y citocinas proinflamatorias Th1, Th2, Th17 y reguladoras en el suero de pacientes con leishmaniasis cutánea AmericanaParásitos patógenos en arena de playa y su relación con condiciones ambientales, en un balneario de Puerto Cabello, Venezuela, 2012-2013 índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental

versão impressa ISSN 1690-4648


SANCHEZ, Elda E et al. Biochemical and biological characterisation of lancehead (Bothrops venezuelensis Sandner 1952) snake venom from the Venezuelan Central Coastal range. Bol Mal Salud Amb [online]. 2014, vol.54, n.2, pp.138-149. ISSN 1690-4648.

Venom fractions isolated from Bothrops venezuelensis were shown to contain a broad spectrum of proteins with varied activities. This study describes venom fractions with coagulant, haemorrhagic, fibrinolytic, proteolytic and antiplatelet activities, and analyses their physico-chemical properties and biological activities via molecular exclusion chromatography, gel electrophoresis and a bioassay battery. The LD50, determined by injecting intraperitoneally serial dilutions of B. venezuelensis venom into mice, was 6.39 mg/kg body weight. Twelve fractions were collected from B. venezuelensis venom using molecular exclusion chromatography. Of these, fractions 1-5 and 7-9 showed haemorrhagic activity, and all fractions except 3 and 6 showed fibrinolytic activity. However, none of the fractions had significant gelatinase activity, and only fractions 4-6 demonstrated activity on hide powder azure. With the exception of fractions 1 and 4, all fractions hydrolysed the insulin B-chain. In addition, all fractions as well as the crude venom showed strong procoagulant activity when tested using a Sonoclot Analyzer. Fractions 1, 3, 5 and 9 inhibited platelet function. In this study we have described the activities of the crude venom and its size-fractions from the scarcely studied B. venezuelensis. Haemorrhagic, fibrinolytic, procoagulant and proteolytic activities, and the inhibition of platelet function were detected. This preliminary study paves the way for the identification of specific molecules in B. venezuelensis venom that could have therapeutic potential for cancer and aberrant haemostasis treatment.

Palavras-chave : Bothrops venezuelensis; haemostasis; haemorrhages; fibrinolysis; platelet function; venom.

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