Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental
versão impressa ISSN 1690-4648
BEVILACQUA, Mariapia; MORALES, Luis Gonzalo; CARDENAS, Lya e DOMINGUEZ, José. Educational intervention to modify knowledge, attitudes and practices about malaria in Ye´kwana schools. Bol Mal Salud Amb [online]. 2015, vol.55, n.2, pp.155-164. ISSN 1690-4648.
In remote areas with endemic and vulnerable indigenous population, it is necessary to implement measures that help to offset the increase of malaria, in addition to theearly diagnosis, treatment and vector control. Here, we evaluate a classroom project to change levels of knowledge, attitudes and practices (KAP) in relation to the prevention and control of malaria in amerindian school population of primary level. We carried out a quantitative assessment, under a quasi-experimental before and after design, with children from 3rd and 4th grades in five Ye'kwana communities inthe Caura River Basin (Bolivar State, Venezuela). According to previously informed community consent, intercultural bilingual teachers performed and evaluated results of the educational intervention using a questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes and practices translated into Ye'kwana language. Intervention data were analyzed by Wilcoxon signed pairedtests. We compared differences between before intervention (T1), immediately after (T2), and also some time afterthe intervention (T3 = 45-60 days).In the T1-T3 interval significant improvements (P<0.05) were recorded in all questions of knowledge and a positive, non-significant changes in all attitude questions. Changes in practices for malaria prevention were mixed.The results show thepotentialforthe classroom-teaching project tested toassist in the prevention and control of malaria at indigenous community schools.
Palavras-chave : malaria; ecohealth; Ye´kwana; educational intervention; Caura.