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Print version ISSN 1690-7515
LOSAVIO, Francisca; MATTEO, Alfredo and PACILLI, Irma. Goal-oriented Process for Domain Analysis Using Quality Standards. Enlace [online]. 2009, vol.6, n.3, pp.11-28. ISSN 1690-7515.
One of the present concerns of Software Engineering is to reduce the gap between the stages of requirements engineering and software system engineering; the growing interest in the discipline of Domain Engineering is justly to try to fillin this gap. This work is framed in the context of the early identificationof non functional requirements (NFR). Functional requirements (FR) and NFR are integrated into the use case model, according to the approach of Chung et al., where an initial architectonical configurationis achieved according to the goal-oriented approach of Yu etal.Our main contribution consists in adding to the Chung et al. a domain analysis step based on the ISO/IEC9126-1 quality standards, for the early specification of NFR, using a quality model representing a quality view of the domain knowledge. This domain analysis allows a precise justification of the systems global requirements and boundaries, which are not at all justifiedby Chung, reusing this knowledge on the quality goals of architectural styles and main functionality to obtain the initial architecture for the application. The main contribution and result is this extension step of domain analysis to the Chung et al. process; it can be applied in the context of software product lines design methods and in early stages of architecture centric software development methods. A unified language of software product quality which is generally missing is also provided by our approach.
Keywords : Software Engineering; Domain Analysis; Goal oriented Design; Quality Model; Quality Standards; ISO/IEC 9126-1; NFR.