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vol.3 número3¿Sábemos tomar la presión arterial en el paciente pediátrico?: Conocimiento de estudiantes de enfermería y personal de salud sobre la determinación de presión arterial en el paciente pediátrico. Hospital General Joaquina de Rotondaro. Tinaquillo, Edo. Cojedes índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista Latinoamericana de Hipertensión

versão impressa ISSN 1856-4550


CONTRERAS, Manuel et al. La evaluación médica preoperatoria como estrategia de atención integral en salud. Rev. latinoam. Hipertens [online]. 2008, vol.3, n.3, pp.90-96. ISSN 1856-4550.

The Cardiovascular or Presurgery Consultation is orientated to the prediction of surgical and no surgical risks, strategies to be used at the presurgery, intrasurgery and postsurgery phase. The Ambulatory surgery is a kid of surgery in which the patient is surgeried and sent home at the same day; and it has been very important the last 15 years. In our country it has begun a few years ago, close from 15 to 20%. The objective of the present investigation is to know the selection, preparation and asociated conditions of the patients that enter into the consultation of cardiovascular evaluation at the Dr. José María Vargas Hospital in Cagua City, Aragua State, during the first semestre of 2007. The Surgical Patology in 277 pacients, to whom presurgery evaluation was practicad, accomplished by systems or organs, were distributed in addition of the following way: Gynecological 85, Liver and Gall Bladder 64, Hernias 51, Skin and Annexed 28, Oftalmologycal 25, Trauma 10, Male Genitals 06, Anus-Rectum 06, Breasts 04. Regarding the surgery condition the 100% were electives. Reinterventions in a total of 02 patients, which represented the 0,77% of the total evaluated. According to the sex distribution, it was 196 women (70,75%) and 81 men (29,25%). The age average was 40,92 years old. In the evaluated series it is reported 01 death, relatived to a posrsurgery hemorrhagical event, which represents 0,3%. In the present research stand out an important number of asociated diagnosis: 529, in 277 patients, with an average of 1,9% pathologies per patient. The Cardiovascular evaluation represents a Strategy of Integral Attntion to diagnosis of comorbilities asociated to surgical condition, allowing to stablish a medical plan.

Palavras-chave : Cardiovascular Evaluation; Integral Attention; Surgical Risks.

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