Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía
versión On-line ISSN 2542-3088
QUINTANA-GUAMUSHIG, Lizeth Stefania; ABATA-CHECA, Fanny Mercedes y CARRERA-RIVERA, Deysi Paola. Pre-service English teachers’ experiences in teaching practice. Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.15, pp.51-72. Epub 11-Jul-2023. ISSN 2542-3088.
This qualitative and descriptive study aimed to describe pre-service English teachers’ experiences in teaching practice from the seventh and eighth semesters. Data was collected by an interview recorded to twelve pre-service English teachers from the seventh and eighth “A”- “B” semesters of the Pedagogy of National and Foreign Language at the Technical University of Cotopaxi. The results showed that the students had strengths and faced challenges in their teaching practice. The practitioners revealed strengths in methodology, presentation, practice and production (PPP) framework, technological resources, and self-confidence. This study also found that the pre-service English teachers showed their challenges in learning values, tutoring, curricular adaptation, and classroom management.
Palabras clave : Pre-professional training; English; teaching practice; teaching guides; classroom management; (UNESCO Thesaurus)..