Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía
versión On-line ISSN 2542-3088
TROYA-GONZALEZ, Bolívar Darío; VITERI-GUEVARA, Xavier Oswaldo y NAVARRETE-CASCO, Ronak Vicente. Music education and the development of social-communicative skills in Ecuadorian students. Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.15, pp.110-134. Epub 11-Jul-2023. ISSN 2542-3088.
Music Education is presented as a possible scenario for the search of better ways of human interrelation and communication. Based on this premise, this article is based on a documentary type research with bibliographic design and framed in describing the implications of Music Education as an educational practice that contributes to the development of socio-communicative skills in students of Higher Basic Education and High School in Ecuador. It is concluded that Music Education is an area that gives the student tools to achieve socio-communicative skills from their vision of life, providing the opportunity to express their ideas, thoughts, emotions, concerns as well as their creative art in an artistic, aesthetic and personal way, which contributes to their full and integral development and the possibility to achieve their educational self-realization without any discrimination and with a true sense of inclusion.
Palabras clave : Music education; music pedagogy; socio-communicative skills; (UNESCO Thesaurus)..