Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía
versión On-line ISSN 2542-3088
SANCHEZ-GUTIERREZ, Mariflor y VALIENTE-SALDANA, Yoni Mateo. Excessive use of plastics in a Public Educational Institution in Trujillo, Peru. Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.16, pp.113-131. Epub 16-Ago-2023. ISSN 2542-3088.
The general objective was to determine the importance of having pedagogical and didactic experiences to generate the reduction or rejection of the excessive use of single-use plastics in educational institutions in Trujillo-Peru. The research corresponds to a descriptive study with a quantitative design. The unit of analysis consisted of 50 students in the fourth and fifth grades of secondary school in three educational institutions in Trujillo-Peru. It has also been determined that 60 % of the students surveyed do not know the toxic components of plastic bottles, plates and bags and 20 % do not know the toxic components of plastic bottles, plates and bags. The educational communities do not exercise control mechanisms to mitigate the problem, nor do they have pedagogical and/or didactic experiences that contribute to rationalising the use of this waste.
Palabras clave : Environmental education; education for sustainable development; health education.