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vol.8 número16Cultura de emprendimiento de las micro y pequeñas empresas en el Perú: revisión sistemáticaContaminación urbano ambiental y espacio público del centro de Piura, Perú: Revisión sistemática índice de autoresíndice de materiabúsqueda de artículos
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Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía

versión On-line ISSN 2542-3088


HERRERA-UCHALIN, Marilia Ghardenny; VALIENTE-SALDANA, Yoni Mateo; GARIBAY-CASTILLO, Julio Víctor  y  HERRERA-CHERRES, Santos. Solid waste management in municipal management: Systemic review. Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.16, pp.150-170.  Epub 16-Ago-2023. ISSN 2542-3088.

The objective is to analyze solid waste management in municipal management from a systemic review. The methodology was congruent with the quantitative, exploratory- bibliometric approach. The studies reviewed aim to diagnose and evaluate the impact of solid waste generated by various cities and economic sectors on the environment, ecotourism activities, public health; also in this process it is possible to identify the most common domestic waste and determine the properties of materials in landfills and industrial waste deposits.

Palabras clave : Waste treatment; waste disposal; environmental legislation.

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