Revista Arbitrada Interdisciplinaria Koinonía
versión On-line ISSN 2542-3088
CHAVEZ-CADENA, Marco Iván y ABRIL-DONOSO, Mauricio Enrique. Prediction of homicides from logistic regression in the metropolitan district of Quito, Ecuador. Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.8, n.16, pp.238-255. Epub 16-Ago-2023. ISSN 2542-3088.
The objective of the research is based on presenting the results of a prediction model of homicides from logistic regression in the metropolitan district of Quito - Ecuador. The research approach was quantitative with a descriptive scope. Step 7 indicates a Wald value of 9.284 and significance of 0.002 for the variable place where the homicide was committed (1), indicating 1 for the alternative "public road", with a value for Exp(B) of 0.08, so the model predicts that people have a probability of 0.08 of suffering a homicide on a public road compared to another place where they are. The model predicts that the public road is the place where there is the highest probability of homicide, equally for people of all ages, genders, nationalities.
Palabras clave : Homicide; mathematical models; operations research.