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Episteme Koinonía. Revista Electrónica de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanidades, Artes y Bellas Artes

versión On-line ISSN 2665-0282


RAMIREZ-BENAVIDES, María Amalia; ESTEVES-FAJARDO, Zila Isabel; SANTANDER-VILLAO, María Leonor  y  BALLADARES-TORRES, Julio Víctor. Intelligence and the family in the context of the gifted college student. Episteme Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.6, n.11, pp.122-145.  Epub 15-Jul-2023. ISSN 2665-0282.

Special educational needs are commonly associated with the deficit of abilities, but on the contrary, high abilities or giftedness refer to the potentialities that a student has. Considering this, this article is developed with the objective of describing the implications of intelligence and the family with respect to gifted students at the university stage. The methodology corresponds to a bibliographic documentary study. Finally, gifted university students have the power to show high capacities, abilities and skills, with their performance and/or performance in various academic areas. However, although intelligence has an important genetic component, its development is a product of the interaction between genetics and/or environment. Therefore, the family is a fundamental link to generate motivating and stimulating environments for the full materialization of these capacities, which require adequate and differentiated attention.

Palabras clave : Gifted student; high- ability student; gifted intelligence.

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