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Episteme Koinonía. Revista Electrónica de Ciencias de la Educación, Humanidades, Artes y Bellas Artes

versión On-line ISSN 2665-0282


RAMIREZ-RAMIREZ, Gloria Elizabeth; ESTEVES-FAJARDO, Zila Isabel  y  CHAVEZ-SALAZAR, Crysthian Manuel. Earth methodology for children and youth and the construction of environmental awareness in Ecuador. Episteme Koinonía [online]. 2023, vol.6, n.11, pp.146-161.  Epub 15-Jul-2023. ISSN 2665-0282.

The Ecuadorian State has framed its educational policy from an environmental approach, seeking to strengthen environmental awareness for the construction of the society of Welfare (Sumak Kawsay), within the framework of a culture of unity and affection with the natural world. That is why this article is developed to describe the implications of the TiNi Methodology as a good educational practice for the construction of environmental awareness in students in Ecuador. It is based on a bibliographic documentary research. Finally, the TiNi Methodology, under the Land of Children and Youth for Wellbeing, is a highly potential educational practice to generate attitudinal and behavioral changes towards the way of seeing nature, in addition, it constitutes an innovative proposal of the way in which the teaching and learning processes are given in a transversal way with the environmental approach becoming interdisciplinary and holistic.

Palabras clave : Environmental education; education for sustainable development; ecological education; TiNi methodology.

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