| Table of contents Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV vol.23 no.4 Caracas Dec. 2008 Press Release | | | |
Ingeniería Ambiental | | | | · Biodegradation of asphalt and resins by microorganism coming from an oil contaminated soil Fernández, Celeste; Llobregat, María; Jimènez, Bernys; Altomare, Vanessa; Labrador, Henry
| | | Ingeniería, Metalúgica y ciencias de los Materiales | | | | · Isothermal crystallization kinetics of irradiated HDPE/HA composites with a sterilization dose of gamma ray Alabano, Carmen; Papa, José; Baré, Wadou; González, Jeanette
| | | | · Synthesis and characterization of iron oxide nanoparticles supported on pvp and silica Henríquez, Yurgenis; Rivas, Lourdes; Domínguez-Quintero, Olgioly; Martínez, Susana; Dornelas, Lindora; Krentzien, Heinz; González-Jiménez, Fernando; Donofrio, Lissetta; Urnina, Caribay; Casanove, Marie-JO
| | | | · Characterization and wear behavior of a 7075-t6 aluminum alloy coated with electroless ni-p Silva, Katherine; Staia, Mariana
| | | | · Preparation and characterization of catalytic supports y-alumina granulate Di Prinzio, Anna; NG Lee, Yolanda
| | | Ingenería Civil | | | | · Physical chemical evaluation of rice husks, corn leaves and cane bagasse ashes and their potential use in mortar mixtures, as pozzolanic materials Águila, Idalberto; Sosa, Milena
| | | Ingeniería Eléctrica | | | | · Isolated operation of synchronous machines connected by scott transformer feeding two-phase unbalanced loads Bueno, Alexander; Aller, José M; Alves, Roberto; Pesse, Gastón
| | | | · Thermoelectric generation alternatives using petcoke fuel Da Silva, José; Ferreira, Armando; Neira, Ana; Matas, Guillermo; Brandt, Mariela
| | | Ingeniería Mecánica | | | | · Turbulence modeling in the numerical estimation of hemolysis in hemodialysis cannulae Salazar, Félix A; Rojas-Solórzano, Luis R; Blanco, Armando J
| | | Cibernetica, Sistemas e Informática | | | | · Moomh case: Herramienta automatizada para la ayuda al desarrollo de sistemas hipermediales Benigni, Gladys; Celada, Jairo
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