| Table of contents Rev. Fac. Ing. UCV vol.24 no.1 Caracas Mar. 2009 Press Release | | | |
Geografía, Minas y Geofísica | | | | · Are all raised quaternary marine terraces records of high sea-level stands? Audemard M, Franck A
| | | | · Petrograhy of crustal and mantle xenoliths present in the lava of cerro atravesado, central falcón, venezuela Grande, Sebastián
| | | Ingeniería Química | | | | · Characterization of polypropylene/cassava starch compounds obtained in an internal mixer González, Jeanette; Albano, Carmen; Hernández, Marianella; Ichazo, Miren; Lavady, Mary
| | | | · Can we accurately use laboratory-scale rheological parameters to model field-scale debris flow? Blanco, Armando; Rodríguez, Carmen; García, Reinaldo
| | | Cibernetica, Sistemas e Informática | | | | · A methodological framework to develop applications for industrial automation Terán, Oswaldo; Narciso, Flor; Ríos-Bolívar, Addison; Hidrobo, Francisco; Álvarez, Johanna; León, Leandro; Aguilar, José; Hernández, Domingo
| | | | · Simulation of a cardiac cell. Part I: an electro-chemical model Roche, Rossany; Lamanna, Rosalba; Delgado, Marisol; Rocaries, FranÇois; Hamam, Yskandar; Pecker, FranÇoise
| | | | · Simulation of a cardiac cell: Part II: applications Roche, Rossany; Lamanna, Rosalba; Delgado, Marisol; Rocaries, FranÇois; Hamam, Yskandar; Pecker, FranÇoise
| | | Ingienería Ciencia y Sociedad | | | | · Synthesis of catalysts based on nitrides and cardides of Nb and Mo for thiophene hydrodesulfurization García, Elizabeth; González, Yolanda; Dìaz, Yraida; Albornoz, Alberto; Brito, Joaquín L
| | | Ingeniería Mecánica | | | | · The influence of CaO on the chemical of a flux of CaO-MnO-SiO2 system with a constant MnO/SiO2 relation Cruz-Crespo, Amado; Quintana Puchol, Rafael; Perdomo, Lorenzo; Gómez, Carlos; García-Jacomino, Jorge L; Díaz Cedré, Eduardo
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