Editorial |
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| Álvarez, Nereyda |
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Artículos |
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| · Model for the teaching-learning of the Sustainable rural development from a geographic perspective Araya Palacios, Fabián
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| · Environmental interpretive trail in the forest of the Simón Bolívar University Pellegrini, Nila
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| · Didactic strategy for the development of schemes in the resolution of problems according to the theory of conceptual fields Meleán, Ramón; Arrieta, Xiomara
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| · Stories, tipes of knowledge and flavors around the cocoa (theobroma cacao l.) In the sub region of Barlovento- Miranda State De La Cruz, Ernesto; Pereira, Ismael
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| · Is it possible to think of the existence of a technological mentality of the venezuelans? Maritza Grau, Jolly
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| · The performance of the university teacher in the context of the Knowledge society Aguiar Vega, Yaima; Villegas, Crisálida
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| · Additives markers in the orality: their conmutation possibilities Díaz Blanca, Lourdes
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| · Knowledge construction in the English-as-a-foreign-language classroom García Martínez, Faylenys Alexandra; Sánchez Chirinos, Francisco José; Govea Piña, Lidia
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| · Didactic proposal for the learning in the laboratory based on resolution of real problems Miranda Fernández, Carlos Alberto; Andrés, María Maite
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| · MUDA: unified architectural design method Guillén-Drija, Christian; Losavio, Francisca
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| · An experience related to the study of the mental operativity and its relationship with the score of performance in the students of introduction to rthe calculus: IPMJMSM case Serrano Díaz, Gerardo; Justo, Aída; de Rojas, Ninoska
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| · The creation of mental images and its implication in the understanding, the learning and the transference Ocanto Silva, Isabel
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Reseñas |
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| · Manual de Fraseología Española Fraile, Jenny
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