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Table of contents
SAPIENS vol.13 no.2 Caracas Dec. 2012

 ·  El sentido de la ciudadanía

        · text in Spanish
 ·  Strategies to improve the drafting of summaries written by students of higher education

 ·  The teaching perspective on the construction of a diagnosis of needs and educational evaluations in the field of the discourse
Cornieles, Liseth

 ·  Construction of violence from the subjectivity of primary school students
Mayora, Freddy; Castillo, Matilde

 ·  Contributions to the study and understanding of biological and physical-geographical aspects of cocoa (theobroma cacao I.) in the subregion of Barlovento, Miranda state
De La Cruz, Ernesto; Pereira, Ismael

 ·  Parapalos”, Ana Poliak: the space and meaning creation in the new argentine cinema
Sánchez, Pablo

 ·  From the critical pedagogy to the pedagogic discourse

 ·  ¿Adultos Adolescentes?   Paradojas en la Era de Peter Pan Santiago T: Bellomo   2009, Argentina: Bonum
Pineda, Yván

        · text in Spanish