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Publication ofUniversidad del Zulia
Print version ISSN 1315-0006On-line version ISSN 2477-9601


ESPACIO ABIERTO Cuaderno Venezolano de Sociología, began in 1991 as a result of the conviction that academic activity requires permanent debate, for which different dissemination strategies are necessary. The commitment is to maintain a privileged place to promote the knowledge produced in the various fields of interest of sociology in order to show the power of the sociological approach in the interpretation of social problems and to provide elements of solution. It is a broad, plural journal, which publishes unrestricted articles identified with different theoretical, epistemological, methodological and ideological orientations; it is open to all currents and schools of sociological thought. It accepts proposals of the widest thematic diversity focused from a sociological perspective, from authors from different institutions and universities around the world.


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