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vol.19 número24Vinte e seis acepções de uso atual na Venezuela: O primeiro passo para o dicionário contrastivo"E a menina foi um pouco boba": Aquisição de algumas estratégias de atenuação num corpus de fala de Caracas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


LUNAR, Lisette. The portfolio: A strategy to assess writing skills in English in university students. Núcleo [online]. 2007, vol.19, n.24, pp.63-96. ISSN 0798-9784.

This paper proposes the use of the portfolio as a strategy to assess writing skills in English in university students. The proposal is a response, basically, to the lack of innovation in assessment procedures at universities, the rigidna ture of this area, and a poor participation of students in their ownlearning process in EFL. Therefore, a qualitative case study has been conducted in the field of written production as well as a thorough research with Venezuelan experts in the use of the portfolio. Finally, a comparison among experiences, both ours and experts’, allowed us to conclude about the potential and the impact that portfolios have as strategies to assess writing skills.

Palavras-chave : portfolio; English writing skills; evaluation strategy; university students; motivation.

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