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vol.19 número24Exílio e desenraizamento na narrativa de Renato RodríguezA capacidade do esquecimento: Representações e auto-representações da intelectualidade venezuelana nos anos sessenta índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão impressa ISSN 0798-9784


MARTIN NAVARRO, Álvaro. Philosophical lies within narrative truths in Respiración Artificial by Ricardo Piglia. Núcleo [online]. 2007, vol.19, n.24, pp.151-170. ISSN 0798-9784.

In this essay I use the work Respiración Artificial written by Ricardo Piglia to show how the philosophical discourse presented by one of its main characters (Tardewski) is interwoven with those elements that the philosophical institution and discourses try to destroy, namely lie, parody, failure and chance. Even though these elements are very important for other discursive constructions, as they were for the Attic tragedy, they are diminished within the realms of philosophical work. My objective is to present a modality of the philosophical subject that is not so easy to find either in the construction of the philosophical discourse or in the construction of the literary subject. It is a modality in which it is possible to question concepts such as reason, success, culture or language, through parody, everyday situations and bare thinking.

Palavras-chave : philosophy; rationality; lie; Ricardo Piglia; Respiración Artificial.

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