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vol.39 número84La resolución de problemas matemáticos en el contexto de los proyectos de aprendizajeGuía práctica con apoyo multimedia para la enseñanza de la biotecnología en el Instituto Pedagógico de Caracas índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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Revista de Investigación

versão impressa ISSN 1010-2914


GONZALEZ, Margarita. Design elective deepening Introduction to Solid State, component specialty Chemistry of Pedagogical Institute of Caracas. Revista de Investigación [online]. 2015, vol.39, n.84, pp.95-115. ISSN 1010-2914.

The elective course of deepening “Introduction to Solid State” was designed for the component of the specialty in the area of Chemistry at the Pedagogical Institute of Caracas. The course objective is to introduce students to the study of the solid state, structure, properties, applications, methods of preparation and methods of determining the structure emphasizing crystalline solids. The course was composed of seven (7) units. The proposal was carried out through the development of instructional model by Szczurek and Müller (1989), covering only the first two stages: needs assessment and solution design. To study needs the steps proposed by Müller (2003) were used. For the design phase of the solution, the systemic model of instructional design by Szczurek, 1989 was used, together with three elements of the model of didactic units by Sánchez and Valcárcel, 1993.

Palavras-chave : Instructional development; elective course design; solid state; specialty chemistry curriculum.

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