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vol.28 número3Biología y ecología de la araña plateada Argiope argentata (Fabricius, 1775) (araneidae) en un sector xerófilo del noreste de la Península de Araya, VenezuelaInfluencia de la salinidad y la irradiancia sobre el crecimiento y composición bioquímica de una nueva cepa de Dunaliella salina, proveniente de las salinas de Araya, Venezuela índice de autoresíndice de assuntospesquisa de artigos
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versão On-line ISSN 2343-6468


HOSSNE GARCIA, Americo; MENDEZ NATERA, Jesús; VELAZQUEZ, Carmen  e  GIL, Alexander. Sugarcane root under regular soil water content, compaction, irrigation and shear stress. Saber [online]. 2016, vol.28, n.3, pp.480-493. ISSN 2343-6468.

Sugarcane is an important agricultural crop of the area, where the soil is incompressible and alterable. The effects of soil compaction, irrigation frequencies, and shear stress influence on a sandy loam soil sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L) root development were studied when subjected to different treatments of soil water content. The objectives of this study were to measure the effects of: (a) water content and compaction over root length and root penetration under soil water content requirements, and (b) shear stress and normal tension on root growth. The methods were: the Proctor test, water meters, watering frequency, 30x30x1.5 cm plastic cylinders, distributed in randomized block in simple factorial arrangements, four levels of compaction per layer (0, 12, 24, and 36 blow), four soil water contents through four irrigation frequencies (daily, inter-day, every two days, and every three days), and the water amount of 10% to 13% with mean value of 11.78% was taken up. Among the findings: (a) Root length between 30 and 100 cm, (b) Root penetration between 7 and 26 cm, with mean rate 20.42 cm. In conclusion, the sugarcane root structure was positively influenced by water content more than compaction; the dependent variables root length as well as root penetration showed no significance difference with respect to the independent variables studied.

Palavras-chave : Savanna soil; Proctor method; root length; root penetration.

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