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Universidad, Ciencia y Tecnología

versión impresa ISSN 1316-4821


VILORIA, María E. The fundamental social right of education for disabled children in Venezuela. uct [online]. 2016, vol.20, n.80, pp.94-105. ISSN 1316-4821.

The social response to disabled people has changed a lot with the development of society. From cruelty in ancient times to seclusion in convents and later in modernity, the medical-care and educational-therapeutic model predominated. Then, in the second half of the twentieth century, under the principles of normalization, integration and sectorization, the predominance of the special needs education and school integration categories, the attention to students with disabilities in regular school was raised as a fundamental right and a duty of society to ensure inclusive education in schools where they participate actively, along with the other school. That is the global trend and Venezuela should take more significant steps on that path, towards quality fairer education. A descriptive study in the Caroni municipality using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, revealed adverse factors to that trend: a traditional view of dual education that separates the regular school and the special one, in addition to errors in the implementation of some public policies, together to high national policy frontality in recent years. Meanwhile, these people, the poorest of this vulnerable social group, are the most affected ones.

Palabras clave : disabled students; educative rights; school integration.

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