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QUERO, Clarisa; BALLESTAS, Mauricio  and  ANTICHE, Edwin. Círculo de Lectura: una experiencia para el desarrollo de la habilidad de razonamiento verbal y análisis del argumento del pensamiento crítico, en Estudiantes del 1er semestre de la Licenciatura en Desarrollo Humano. SAPIENS [online]. 2014, vol.15, n.1, pp.69-82. ISSN 1317-5815.

Reading Circle is considered an instructional strategy that allows the development of verbal and written skills as dimensions the students` critical thinking, taking into account the phases of reading and the high degrees of abstraction and reflection. The objective of this research is to analyze the experience of Reading Circle based on the development of critical thinking in university students, and it takes into account verbal reasoning skills and the analysis of arguments. The methodology is based on a qualitative approach; the observation participant, the semi- structured interview and the focal groups will be used as technical data collection. The students of 1 st semester of Human Development`s of UCLA (Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”) will be the sample of this investigation.

Keywords : Reading Circle; Critical Thinking; Human Development.

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